On this venture of over 20,000 miles, we are traveling the length of the Americas by non-motorized means, connecting stories of the land and its inhabitants.
Haz clic aquí para leer en español Written by Neon We soon learned there was a trail called the ‘Ruta Patrimonial’ between the two towns. We headed out of Lago…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español Written by Neon Coyhaique may have been a respite for us, but we were not fully resting- I’ve found there has to be…
Written by Fidgit The ‘Herstory: She Can’ series profiles women who pursue their passions. Each have stepped up with courage, a message, and a willingness to share her own odyssey….
Written by Neon Chile Chico was a small town, though we could tell tourism was a large part of the town with many people making the short side trip from…
Written by Neon We came into Cochrane hot and thirsty from the road walk in. Thankfully, it was another very walker-accessible town, and we were also welcomed by (of course)…
A video compilation by Melinda Sadler Mueller of some of the footage and photos from Her Odyssey’s first season! [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5qpx44ZjJc&w=560&h=315]
Written by Fidgit Haz clic aquí para leer en español People had been telling us there was a refugio on the other side of the pass. We weren’t sure what…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español I have high praise for the Argentine National Parks and trail systems. Unlike the Sendero de Chile, the Huella Andina understands that thru-hikers…