Haz clic aquÍ para leer en español Cocó lives in Ushuaia, a city whose motto is “fin del mundo, principio de todo.” (End of the world, beginning of everything.) The tip…
Haz clic aquÍ para leer en español Luz would like it to be known that her first chapter book was Dalian Kifki by Maria Elena Walsh and illustrated by Sandra…
Haz clic aquÍ para leer en español Preparing to start hiking in Ushuaia, we were invited warmly into the home of Cocó. As the children got ready to head to…
Haz clic aqui para leer en espanol Santiago, Chile is about 2 button clicks of convenience behind major US cities. There are a couple extra oprimas scanning the chip in…
Haz clic aqui para leer en espanol “I have not thought of this story in 20 years,” Isidro reflected, “but here in Chile they tell the children of El Viejo…
Haz clic aqui para leer en espanol One Sunday morning(ish) over brunch, five of us crowded around a tiny kitchen table, sharing stories as we shared also in a slow…
Haz clic aqui para leer en espanol Neon and I landed in Santiago, Chile two days ago. Last year, Chile revoked the reciprocity fee for Americans, so we did not…
Sharing gratitude practice with fellow travelers the other day, Lydia called it “Pema dipping” as we thumbed freely through the tiny book, stopping at whichever page called. Time and again,…
Haz Clic Aqui Para Leer En Español Hanging around the Chile Backpacker’s Hostel our first few days in Santiago was a great opportunity to delve headlong into the travel community.