Haz clic aquí para leer en español With Dario’s insight and encouragement, we set out from Piuke Mapu, backtracking a couple kilometers then along backroads to Lago Cholila. While eating…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español We emerged from the green valleys and basins of the park into open estepas and small country towns. Villa Rivadavia is known to…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español The Patagonian Alerces (Fitzroya), a conifer, is the largest tree species in South America. Their trunks are bigger around than two of us…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español The effervescent Futaleufú River roared and roiled beside us as we walked toward its namesake town. The name is derived from native Mapuche’s…
Haz clic aquÍ para leer en español Setting out from Lago Verde, a faded roadside table map implied there was a route to Palena. The road petered out 15 km…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español For the first time since Puerto Natales, when we were at Erratic Rock and had access to their awesome VHS collection, Neon and…
Haz clic aquí para leer en español As of late March and four months of thru-hiking Patagonia, we have a rhythm. Comfortable in self-sufficiency and living according to our own expectations….
Haz clic aquí para leer en español At the time of writing this, it is mid-March and running chainsaws seems to be a countryside pastime throughout Patagonia. From the folks…